I don’t think people really understand what media bias truly is. CNN and most of the rest of the others have exposed their bias so blatantly that the extremity is what it took for people to even entertain the idea of liberal activism in journalism. What is far more dangerous than the circus we see now is what many of us have known for decades. It is the subtle wording that flies right over everyone head. Here is a classic example. People with journalism degrees probably don’t recognize this or are complicit. I read a CNN story this morning concerning a bill a legislator in Texas who is a Democrat introduced. Here is a key sentence that exemplifies the point perfectly; “.And the bill, by pointing out a sexist double standard, is meant to shine a light on the obstacles women deal with when it comes to their health care.” First of all, “by pointing out a sexist double standard” is glaring. The correct way would be “And the bill by pointing out what she calls a ‘sexist double standard'”. Instead, CNN presupposes as fact her opinion. Further, ” the obstacles women deal with when it comes to their health care.” is presupposing that fewer abortion clinics in Texas is an obstacle to women’s health care. Again, it should have stated it as her opinion, since there are other opinions opinions on the subject, such as the opinion that getting an abortion is not health care anymore than any other elective procedure such as plastic surgery to enhance one’s appearance. Whether or not that opinion is correct or another argument from that side of the debate is more prominent, opposing opinions should always accompany the opposite opinion. That’s just basic journalism rules we learn in high school classes about writing (even grade schools-who what when where etc.) Then they go on to use the words “Lashed out” when referring to the Republican response. You do not see the words “Lashed out’ associated with Democrats in journalism. Google the words “Democrats lashed” out and see how many links you will get stating “Trump lashed out” or “Republicans lashed etc” you will not find links about Democrats lashing out. Then they go on to say that part of a pamphlet pro life advocates hand out links abortion to breast cancer, stating that there are studies showing no link to breast cancer. That is fine but they do not provide the opposing opinion pointing to what the pro life offers as their their evidence They offer one position with no challenge or opportunity for the reader to explore the pro life side without bias. I did not want this to be a debate about the validity of said bill, but in the interests of full disclosure, the bill introduced by Rep. Jessica Farrar, a Democrat was to fine men $100 each time they masturbate and impose a 24 hour waiting period on men for colonoscopies, vasectomies, and purchasing Viagra.