Again we have a another mass shooting. And again we have a president shamelessly politicize the tragedy before the bodies have a chance to cool. And now Hillary Clinton, current front runner for the Democrat Party presidential nomination has called for legislation allowing victims of gun violence the avenue to sue gun manufacturers for damages. I’m thinking it is her plan to raise the standard of living in places like Detroit and Chicago-one weekend alone would produce quite a few millionaires. Give it a month and it will be every liberal’s dream-gun manufacturers closing up shop.
So everybody just shoots a Glock, or a Baretta. But even in the best case scenario where every law abiding citizen turns in their guns and willingly surrenders their 2nd amendment rights, no more guns are being manufactured in the United States, and all the criminals turn in their weapons….because it’s the law……we still have a problem.
These same people are the ones who absolutely do not care at all about who or what comes in to our country and any notion to even attempt to control our borders is immediately met with fervent cries of racism. Am I crazy to think think that just MAYBE guns could slip through our so called border? (like they are not already-both ways thanks to “Fast and Furious”), Of course not-we have outlawed marijuana and heroin, cocaine and illegal immigrants and we know none of that ever gets through-right?
We can argue statistics all day but at the end of that day, we know that where more people are packing legally, fewer people die. We also know that there is always one question that should ALWAYS come up in any gun control debate. That question is; “If you are a violent criminal, would you rather commit your crimes in an area with strict gun regulations and/or outright bans, or would you rather commit your crimes where there are an unknown many who are armed.?” This is not an opinion, this is quite simply a fact, that of course you would rather shoot up a “gun free zone.”
But I guess in the confused progressive’s mind, illegal immigrant Francisco Sanchez did not kill Kathryn Steinle, in San Francisco (sanctuary city), his gun did. Sanchez admitted to going to San Francisco because of it’s sanctuary status. Sanctuary status and this administration’s purposeful allowance of such a fragrant violation of federal law killed Kathryn Steinle. But nobody is calling for control of that. Obama may as well have pulled the trigger himself, and yet no outrage.
But perhaps I am being naive. Maybe MS 13 really will line up to comply with new more restrictive gun regulations.