I hate to be so cynical but I really have to question the sincerity of people expressing their sorrow and outrage over a death when they express it the most strongly over the wording of someone’s reaction to it (President Trump correctly assessing the violence from all involved-not being dismissive of the violence of groups based on their point of view), Frankly-I don’t think anyone feigning outrage absent in the past really cares in any measurable way about the victim or even racism itself. It quite simply has not mattered in the past. Women have their genitals mutilated, Christians are murdered, neighborhoods in cities across America are gunning themselves down, babies are being murdered in their mother’s wombs by the millions, police officers regularly get gunned down because of the color of their skin, from August the 5th to August the 11th alone, there have been 33 jihadi terrorist attacks, killing 272 people, 194 injured, and we have child porn rings that get busted involving hundreds of arrests including teachers, clergy, police officers and judges that the media does not find newsworthy, so America doesn’t either, and we have have a firestorm now that will be endless because the president did not single out white racists before the victim’s body had time to cool. So you will have to forgive me if I do not froth at the mouth and block traffic over this extremely rare but tragic occurrence, and forgive me even more if I seem unimpressed by the sudden outpouring of phony outrage that only surfaces when it involves the set of possible circumstances that plays in to someone’s political dream scenario.