Wiping out Your Rights


I have to ask people on the left. You are pro censorship, and you are anti free speech. This is indisputable. It’s just gotten scary-for those of us who observe something other than fantasy football-it has been for quite a while-you already are steadily shutting down free speech on college campuses, with your “free speech ‘zones,'” speech codes, and your so called “microaggressions” (Christmas Vacation, Boyfriend, golf outing) You have shut down any chance of conservative speakers from speaking engagements on college campuses, if faculty does not dis-invite on the millenniums (and gen x, baby boomers) demands, you tear down flyers and shout down speakers because they offer a different point of view. You have the Attorney General of the United States admitting openly that she had spoken to the FBI about prosecuting people for what they say. You read that right-(you should alrblog-1sr-amendmenteady know). Our head of the Justice department actually trying to prosecute free speech…There should be outrage, but there is nothing-nobody even cares-the less we care the more they take-because they now know that Americans no longer care about their constitutional rights. Now Michael Savage a highly rated radio talk show host, is being yanked mid-show from New York, then many major markets when he launched into a segment concerning Hillary Clinton’s health. The left has tried to shut down talk radio in the past.
FIRE (the Foundation for Individual Rights in Education), in their annual study of campus speech codes (this is frightening), found that in over 400 of America’s largest and most prestigious universities, 62% restrict speech protected by the first amendment. We are turning out graduates-our future leaders, that no longer value the bill of Rights-they believe your free speech should be restricted-your speech…..let me dumb it down a bit for the average American-people are already restricting what you can and can not say. Liberals-the left, support the path to totalitarian control. They shut down peoples right to assembly by committing criminal acts to shut down rallies they do not like.
Some of the words considered “problematic” on the campus of the University of New Hampshire include: Mothering
Illegal Alien
Poor person
Media news blackouts, Media lies, any opposing views or contradicting alternative views are being attacked and shut down. What about what when it backfires against the left? Will they be cheer-leading then? This IS a national crisis. We are all taking the Neville Chamberlain approach. President Obama in addressing the United Nations said we should be bound by international norms-giving up some freedom in favor of multilateral “restraints.” Where does that leave the Constitution? It will be subservient to International law. They have been out in the open pursuing this because they no know that naive Americans just don’t care anymore. We have the attention span of a gnat, which insults well meaning, decent gnats. We don’t believe America can really go down-how arrogant. The Roman Empire lasted 507 years. What’s left of Rome is ruins, they were just as convinced Rome would last forever. Is it too much extrapolation on my part? History tells me that I am not. When the word “healthy” is “problematic” on the campus of an institution of higher learning, we need to seriously be concerned-these trends never reverse themselves, and they never stop their forward progress, save the outbreak of civil war, or war with other nations. It’s sad to me what my children are inheriting, and you should be concerned for your own as well, no matter where you fall on the political spectrum.










Since about the age of ten, I’ve had an addiction to modern American Politics, it’s history and dynamics. Not just as a field of interest, but a passion because of my deep love for this country. I’ve seen every strategy, every tactic, and the disheartening web of corruption as our government has grown exponentially proportional to the problems it was supposed to be fixing. You want to make America plummet academically? Create the Department of Education. Increase our dependence on foreign sources of oil? Create a department purportedly to remedy the problem and foolishly expect that department to put itself out of business by solving the problem it was created for.

The complaint has always been the same. Back room deals, everyone bought and paid for by the banks corporate lobbies , sweetheart deals witmasterstrokeh defense and other contractors, and the list goes on.

For the first time in my life of political observation, an outsider emerges who represents the polar opposite of all of the above. It should have been obvious to anyone that if such a person came along threatening to upset the apple cart that all of the most powerful players would stop at nothing in a concerted effort to destroy this dark horse. And what have we seen?

We have seen a brilliant tactician use sort of a Judo approach to politicking. What Trump has done to the media/Wall Street/the one party system is exactly what Muhammad Ali did to defeat George Foreman in the legendary “Rumble in the Jungle”. George Foreman had the most powerful punch in boxing history-he was a beast. Ali didn’t stand a chance (sound familiar?). Foreman with all of his might and awesome power went on a no holds barred assault against Ali. Ali rope-a-doped through the rounds-foreman was in a rage and “punched himself out” (using his energy up thereby defeating himself). Ali controlled the whole match. Trump has controlled the whole election, and like Ali. Is tactically and soundly attacking his weakened opponent who is out of steam and offering no target. The machine has punched itself out. The infighting has begun. A reporter at NBC makes a statement just noting that Hillary Clinton had fought off a coughing attack. Her traveling press secretary in response tweets “get a life.” The real Hillary is emerging, losing control and calling millions of Americans “deplorables”- going further calling them racists, and a bunch of (………) phobes-fill in the blank.. Her world is caving in, her scandals have found legs and the media can no longer carry her water (pun intended).

And Trump changes the narrative to maternity leave. Pure genius. Conservatives will anger but it’s a fair compromise that will be heavily outweighed by corporate tax incentives, fair trade, border security and national security. It may be a compromise to some, or even a sell out, but the economic payoff from the new tax structure, and the aforementioned, will afford us the capacity to be a little more generous with a mother’s time to parent her child-that is a conservative value-or should be. And despite all of the cynicism, it might just be something he believes in. When he entered the race-he had nothing to gain. If the way he has been lied about, misquoted, and taken completely out of context is any indicator, he will be the most scrutinized president in American history.  But it won’t much matter then.



About all of the hoopla over the transgender potty issue. Here is the definitive problem that not one news analyst, pundit, or politician seem to get.. What is the legal definition of transgender? There is none-nothing clearly defined in a legal sense. A can of worms I can’t believe no one recognizes. Since tFlasherransgender is not legally defined it simply means anyone can go in to any restroom. A restroom is a closed, very private facility. If this is the new norm-legally, any man who ever wanted to go in to a woman’s bathroom, or a girl’s bathroom to be more specific, gets the green light. Any man regardless of his motives can enter in to a woman’s bathroom, a closed environment typically with one egress-the single door they came in on. This is not about the .03% that the transgenders make up of the population,it’s about the 151.8% that comprises the male American population. Any-any man at all will be able to go in to any female enclosed private low visibility facility with a single entry-and exit. All because .03% of the population feels “uncomfortable” using the restroom of his or her gender.


Few people know this but delegates/super delegates do not have to vote in accordance with the votes of the people-in other words you really do not have any say in it. A person can win in the primaries, and the delegates can cast their ballots for anyone regardless of who wins.. This is what is happening to Bernie Sanders-he really is winning-but the corrupt Clinton mega machine simply will not allow it. It is completely rigged. Bernie Sandersbernie-sanders may have the polar opposite views of mine, but he is at least seems more genuine than Hillary. Hillary is a despicable human being. It does not matter to me which party, which candidate or what views-it makes me very angry to see someone who plays by the rules like Sanders only to have the process deliberately circumvent the voice of the people and exert it’s corrupt will over the people, and Bernie Sanders.. This country has reached the point of critical mass concerning the government overtaking the will of the people. I believe there is no turning back. Americans-regardless of where they land on the political spectrum should be outraged-but there is greater concern for the .Oscars having too many white people,or the name of a sports team, while watching our president perform a comedy routine on the Ellen show that is an insult to the office of the President, or trying to go to war over what gay people choose to do-forget about the $20 trillion+ national debt. I am very proud to be an American but have become very ashamed of what this country has become. This is historic in a very bad way and it will go unnoticed.

One afterthought though-I have my suspicions that Sanders is part of the plan-he could go after Hillary-but he does not-he really doesn’t want to win-when Hillary steals the nomination-because he never really criticized her, the millennials that he is wildly popular with will give their support to Hillary when he loses.

A Doctor’s Struggle

I would like to introduce you to a doctor. He is not just any doctor, a brave man, a man with a dilemma. His name is Doctor José Manuel , He is the reason a wall on our Southern border is not only not a racist endeavor, but the best thing we can do to help the Mexican people, still living in Mexico, particularly those with tremendous courage fighting against nearly impossible odds.

Dr. José Manuel Mireles headed up a defense group called Autodefensas, A group of brave men and women in Mexico who decided to fight back against a ruthless drug cartel called the he Knights Templar, operating in the state of Michoacán, , formally Michoacán de Ocampo where the Knights operate, maiming beheading, and even burning people alive with blow torches. In one case, a farmer who could not pay the money that was being exhorted from him by the cartel, they murdered all of his workers many of their familiJosé Manuel Mireleses, even taking infants by the ankles and smashing them on rocks.

The people of the region had had enough and banded together, with the leadership of Dr. Manuel as their leader. They were able to go on the offensive and effectively wrest the power back by hunting down the cartel, even working against the corrupt federal police.

I would also like you to meet Tim “Nayler” Foley, You will not readily find information about him on the internet-perhaps because he dispels the myth of the out of control rednecks that comprise defense groups who are doing what the federal government will not-particularly the Obama administration, enforcing federal laws already on the books in regions that have been ceded to the drug cartels within the borders of the united states.

So you have two groups working for the same goals, namely making the drug cartels ineffective against all odds. Both groups are fighting against there own respective corrupt federal governments. In Mexico Dr Manuel’s group was finally co-opted by the federal government as well as the drug cartels. rendering them ineffective.

This brings us to the wall, characterized as a racist notion, when in fact opposing the wall could not be more racist. By not restricting the flow of illegal aliens, and drugs, particularly the drug cartels unfettered access through our porous borders, allowing the cartels unlimited profits, you are doing the Mexican people no favors. While the wall can not stop all of the flow, it would certainly cripple the cartels, and for those who claim a wall would be ineffective, i wonder how fiercely they would Make that assertion if we were to remove the walls of our prisons. or if they were to examine the effective use of the walls of Israel.

What is the conclusion? We have to seriously ask ourselves-who are the real racists? The answer is self evident.

Donald G Frazier

Copyright 2016

The new Tet Offensive?

I’m not sure if it is just a lack of intellectual fire power in this country, indifference, or a short memory, but watching America’s “Johnny-come-lately” attitude towards Islamic terrorism is both infuriating and mystifying.

I often ask myself what the rest of the country should be asking itself-If I were a terrorist, what would I do to most effectively strike terror throughout the United States, while killing as many Americans as possible? Well, think back-none of this is new, it has just exponentially grown due to a general apathy in America, which has emboldened the Islamic terrorist mindset. I’m sure they can’t believe their good fortune. People don’t even remember the Marines killed in an attack by a group calling itself ‘Islamic Jihad’, later to be discovered as an arm of Hezbollah-with the chain of command leading directly to Iran-in Beirut, Lebanon, in 1983. 299 were killed including 241 US Military personnel. If that was in 1983, how many people do you think they have been able to infiltrate the US via our Southern border since then, and before? How can anyone entertain even for a moment the ludicrous idea that they are not and have not been taking advantage of this gift? I know I would. We know a couple of things, one, that they have to outdo 911. Two, we know they are very patient.

I have a theory that I hope is terribly wrong-I hope and pray that I am wrong.

If I were a terrorist and I wanted to launch the Super Bowl of all terrorist attacks, I would not put the top priority on a nuclear device ready to detonate in the US, there is a lot more than the general public knows that goes in to actually making an explosive nuclear device. That’s not to say they aren’t working on that as well, but how much easier would it be to pull off a TET Offensive style attack? For those not familiar with the TET offensive, during the Vietnam War in January of 1968, it was an attack in South Vietnam on the TET holiday, a holiday when people were celebrating and not on guard for any attacks within South Vietnam. The holiday had been previously observed as a cease fire. The style of attacks, along with overt offensives of the North Vietnamese regular military, was utilizing large number of Vietcong “sleepers” assimilated in to South Vietnam, that were activated on the prearranged date of the holiday. Those that were part of that “fifth column” had no need for excessive communication, etc, as they all knew the date. It was a military failure, but bloody enough that it effectively ended our efforts there with America no longer able to stomach the horrors of war. Walter Cronkite declared the war unwinnable. Effectively, it was a successful act of terrorism.

So, imagine how many operative sleeper cells must surely be embedded by now in the US. As recently as last February, the FBI Director James Comey, stated that ISIS had become a “chaotic spider web” in the United States, now branching out to all 50 states http://abc7chicago.com/news/isis-present-in-all-50-states-fbi-director-says/534732/ You don’t have to smuggle uranium or complex nuclear devices when you have such numerical potency-you only need easy to come by TNT, and who knows how many smuggled AK-47s, not to mention stolen domestic/military weapons. In fact, an armory in Massachusetts was broken in to the day after the November 14 attacks in France, the theft consisting of dozens of weapons. Along with the overstay on visas, and the wide open Southern border, there are an estimated 45 million stolen passports worldwide-not to mention all of the counterfeit documents that frequently show up among people attempting to infiltrate countries-most importantly, our own country.

So if I were a terrorist, I would have a predetermined date, like say Christmas Eve, both an antithetical religious holiday to a Muslim, as well as a time when Americans are crowding the malls and shopping centers in every town and city. Everyone activates at the same time, recreating the theater attack in France many times over. Not much need for a lot of communication to tip off the authorities, all the while the weaponry has more than likely built up over the decades, as well as personnel.

I would also pay off as many politicians as possible to play up the religious intolerance and race angle to keep the borders wide open, compromising officials as much as possible along the way.

Last but not least, I would do a test Trojan horse, as in Europe, and unify with sympathetic countries in the Middle East, to not only create a refugee situation, but through cooperation or coercion, make sure that no theocracy based countries accept refugees, forcing the West’s hand, playing on their generosity and their naivety.

Why do I think they would follow this path? My answer to that is why not? The most successful warfare assesses the enemy’s weaknesses, identifying where they are most vulnerable, and taking advantage of it. Americans aren’t too terribly bright I’m afraid, and unlike the suicide soldiers that do their bidding, the leadership and masterminds behind this Jihad, are. They are cunning and coldly logical, while Americans are busy shutting down the “Dukes of Hazzard,” and taking part in a (so far) “cold” race war, with phony claims of racism that play right in to the hands of the ethnicities primarily behind modern Islamic terrorism.

Am I wrong? I sincerely hope so. We may never know in our lifetime given their patience and focus in contrast to America’s preoccupation with the trivial until a bomb literally goes of in their back yard.

Donald G Frazier, Copyright 2015

White Lies

lie detector                                                                                                                             It would almost be amusing if it weren’t so infuriating, watching the media quibble over Ben Carson’s 7th grade drama.  An altercation in the 7th grade can not be confirmed.  Whether or not he was actually extended a scholarship to West Point. There are actually people in this country who don’t think that the mainstream media are not simply a tool of the left.  Or perhaps they do and they are quite pleased with the current Beltway media dynamics.

We have a president who states that he was a lousy student in high school, and apparently not too stellar at Occidental, yet he gained admittance in to Columbia, and wait for it….HARVARD UNIVERSITY!  Statistically, the average GPA for Harvard University is a 3.85.  It is common knowledge that it is a difficult university to gain admittance to.  Obama has hidden his past as a college student.  And if the media’s lack of interest in that isn’t enough, the man has spent enormous amounts of cash doing everything he possibly could to hide of all things-a very mundane document called a birth certificate.  This is not about where he was born, this is about absolutely bizarre behavior from somebody who has something to hide.  But like most unquestioning followers of this very secretive president, the media has never even asked any questions on this?  Apparently it is not considered odd at all.but what is most perplexing to me is how no one seems to mind the “white lies” of the president, nor the current Democrat front runner.

Hillary lied about how she was named.  She claimed that she was named after Sir Edmund Hillary.  Apparently her parents were psychic because when Hillary was born, the famous explorer was not famous at all because he had not yet scaled Mt. Everest.  That would not take place for another six years..  She completely manufactured a fantasy that she was under sniper fire in a helicopter landing in Bosnia.  This is not only a disgraceful insult to the men and women who have suffered the trauma of battle, but it shows a complete disregard for the truth and a serious lack of moral character.  And yet the media does not consider this to be nearly as important as an apparent fight Ben Carson got in to in the 7th grade. President  Obama could not even tell the truth about how his parents decided to grace the rest of us with his existence (In the march on Selma), which of course is impossible, since he was born in 1961, and the famous civil rights march took place in 1965.  This is not about something that happened in grade school, this was from a United States senator in 2007.  Can anyone even imagine if virtually any Republican had said this or any of these lies thus far?  Al Gore once stated that his mother used to sing the “look for, the union label” song to him to rock him to sleep.  The thought of him being rocked to sleep and coddled at the tender age of twenty seven-is not only a little creepy, but another blatant lie that the media never held him accountable for.  But why question a guy who created the internet right?

I could go on listing many more, but the point that desperately needs to made to an unquestioning American electorate has to be this-Haven’t we all been around compulsive liars-people who lie for no apparent reason, and upon this realization we avoid them like a Miley Cyrus video?  That pretty much goes without saying, but I have to ask supporters of these past/present presidential candidates-are you really OK with this?  Do you really froth at the mouth over Ben Carson’s 7th grade fight, or his recollection of his conversations concerning West Point?  And yet you have no problem with all of the lies and secrecy that seem to be continuously generated from these biggest of players on the DNC landscape?  If it is not obvious to anyone that might read this blog that the media is no more than a campaign mechanism one certain political party over another, then you are either blind by choice, completely disengaged or believe ethics have no place in any consideration as long as the end justifies the means.  Unfortunately, I’m pretty sure it’s the latter.

The good news is people seem to be realizing what they have been fed for so many decades.  My only hope is that this fickle republic that’s on it’s last leg will not forget.it.


Donald G. Frazier Copyright 2015

Statistical Myopia

Here’s why I don’t normally engage in the statistics game, and it is not because I don’t have plenty of statistics to counter pro gun-control statistics-the reason is, I can find statistics that support both sides of the gun control debate. I can find some place that has stricter gun controls and lower gun homicides. I can find statistics that show little or no gun regulations and lower gun homicides. I can also make a statistical case for higher incidents of gun violence under both conditions. Both sides use statistics in a misleading way-and not always knowingly. Both sides then will scramble to use foreign countries and their statistics to support their positions. The pro 2nd amendment advocate will cite a country with high gun ownership and low crime, but fail to point out that it is a country with a very low crime rate historically. The pro gun control camp will cite a country with strict gun controls and low crime rates, again failing to take in to account all of the complex factors aside from gun regulations or the lack thereof, and maybe ignore other high violent crime statistics. Different countries have vastly different cultures and their situation cannot be artificially applied to the United States.

Within our own borders, the same applies by city state and region. You can demonstrate evidence but unless you can prove gun law status to be causative, you are nowhere with your statistics. It took me some time admittedly to come to this conclusion. The statistics seemed overwhelmingly in favor of my position against gun control. The statistics were verifiable so “done deal” right? Not anymore. Pro gun control can present statistics that would suggest otherwise-but again without proof that gun legislation, or the lack of it is causative, you only have evidence, not proof. There are so many factors that are relevant to violent crimes that it is a statistician’s dream. I recently discovered a Centers for Disease Control (CDC) study that concluded there is no evidence that gun legislation has any effect on gun violence. They came to the same conclusion generally that I did for many of the same reasons, but they lay it out pretty well in this study.  http://www.cbsnews.com/news/no-proof-gun-laws-reduce-violence/


We find ourselves feeling helpless after school/campus shootings like the recent tragedy in Roseburg Oregon. Many have explored arming our teachers, stricter gun legislation, and sacrificing our right to privacy concerning our medical records. I find myself at a loss for the answers, while at the same time recognizing that as tragic as these mass shootings are-they are rare when compared to daily shootings in high crime areas where I’m pretty sure criminals would not follow stricter gun laws let alone outright prohibition of gun ownership. I recently read perhaps the best article to date on the subject of these rogue gunman situations-it is well worth the read. Take a look;  http://mystudentapt.com/2015/10/06/theres-a-way-to-stop-mass-shootings-and-you-wont-like-it/


So what we are really left with is logic. I can boil that down to a couple of common sense questions. Certainly one would be if you are a violent criminal, would you prefer to ply your trade in an area of high concentration of gun ownership in the law abiding citizenry, or one where you knew the likelihood of encountering self defense by deadly force was far less likely due to strict gun laws? The answer is readily apparent.


I will add this one statistic without using numerical data-people need to start doing their own research-but this is indisputable. After Washington DC unconstitutionally implemented it’s gun ban, DC’s murder rate went up-not down.  And even if we are talking about non-gun related homicides,criminal knowledge of a lack of legal gun ownership certainly will eradicate fears of  victim capability of  self defense.  You should probably watch this report from John Stossel to find out what this statistic is, let alone what offenders have to say;   https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qyoLuTjguJA

In the end, the 2nd amendment has nothing to do with hunting.  Hunting when the Constitution was penned was basically like going to the grocery store in modern times.  The ridiculous notion that it is to guarantee the right to hunt is tantamount to an amendment guaranteeing the right to bear shopping carts,  The “well regulated militias” stated in the second amendment does not mean that it alone is the right guaranteed or there would be no need to further enunciate the right of citizens to bear arms, and after all-why would a country need to guarantee something to itself it already has, and has just used to attain independence? The government is not affirming “rights.”  to itself.  The purpose of the 2nd amendment is to insure our protection against tyranny.  In no other way would the second amendment make any sense.

Guns Without Borders

Again we have a another mass shooting. And again we have a president shamelessly politicize the tragedy before the bodies have a chance to cool. And now Hillary Clinton, current front runner for the Democrat Party presidential nomination has called for legislation allowing victims of gun violence the avenue to sue gun manufacturers for damages. I’m thinking it is her plan to raise the standard of living in places like Detroit and Chicago-one weekend alone would produce quite a few millionaires. Give it a month and it will be every liberal’s dream-gun manufacturers closing up shop.

So everybody just shoots a Glock, or a Baretta. But even in the best case scenario where every law abiding citizen turns in their guns and willingly surrenders their 2nd amendment rights, no more guns are being manufactured in the United States, and all the criminals turn in their weapons….because it’s the law……we still have a problem.

These same people are the ones who absolutely do not care at all about who or what comes in to our country and any notion to even attempt to control our borders is immediately met with fervent cries of racism. Am I crazy to think think that just MAYBE guns could slip through our so called border? (like they are not already-both ways thanks to “Fast and Furious”), Of course not-we have outlawed marijuana and heroin, cocaine and illegal immigrants and we know none of that ever gets through-right?

We can argue statistics all day but at the end of that day, we know that where more people are packing legally, fewer people die. We also know that there is always one question that should ALWAYS come up in any gun control debate. That question is; “If you are a violent criminal, would you rather commit your crimes in an area with strict gun regulations and/or outright bans, or would you rather commit your crimes where there are an unknown many who are armed.?” This is not an opinion, this is quite simply a fact, that of course you would rather shoot up a “gun free zone.”

But I guess in the confused progressive’s mind, illegal immigrant Francisco Sanchez did not kill Kathryn Steinle, in San Francisco (sanctuary city), his gun did. Sanchez admitted to going to San Francisco because of it’s sanctuary status. Sanctuary status and this administration’s purposeful allowance of such a fragrant violation of federal law killed Kathryn Steinle. But nobody is calling for control of that. Obama may as well have pulled the trigger himself, and yet no outrage.

But perhaps I am being naive. Maybe MS 13 really will line up to comply with new more restrictive gun regulations.



Not Really Black

I am so fed up with the total racism that the left practices on a daily basis. Richard Sherman of the Seattle Seahawks made a statement that the issue of blacks killing blacks needs the most urgent attention.  And he is black. Now he is under attack. Let me try to figure this out……so the overwhelming statistical, irrefutable fact is, that somewhere in the neighborhood of 94% of homicides against black people are perpetrated by black people. That statement of absolute fact makes me a racist in the eyes of only one source-the left. I suppose now that Sherman “isn’t really black”…born and raised in Compton CA, working his way out-nope! He does not subscribe to the victimhood addiction therefore he must be attacked. I just read something that should wake anyone up-left or right to the extremes the left will go to perpetrate this mentality. In a Huffington Post article, they claim that the black on black phenomena “does not exist.” They then quote Jamelle Bouie, of The Daily Beast to back it up; He starts off by saying “Yes, from 1976 to 2005, 94 percent of black victims were killed by black offenders…” then goes on to point out that most white victims are killed by other whites. So from that, this GENIUS from the left has actually declared black on black violence to literally be a non-existent problem. Never mind that the homicide rate and crime rate in black communities is much higher-black people being around 13% of the population and are the victims of nearly half of the homicides in the United States. But according to the Left “It doesn’t exist”, the problem of black on black homicide.

How disjointed our ability to function has declined as we are completely obedient to political correctness.  On the subject of race relations in general, how are race relations today as compared to 7 years ago? If you purport that racial tensions are not now much higher than 7 years ago-you are simply telling a blatant lie. I guess I am just another “typical white person” as Barack Obama would put it-although I do not recall locking my car doors when a black man crosses the street.