I would like to introduce you to a doctor. He is not just any doctor, a brave man, a man with a dilemma. His name is Doctor José Manuel , He is the reason a wall on our Southern border is not only not a racist endeavor, but the best thing we can do to help the Mexican people, still living in Mexico, particularly those with tremendous courage fighting against nearly impossible odds.

Dr. José Manuel Mireles headed up a defense group called Autodefensas, A group of brave men and women in Mexico who decided to fight back against a ruthless drug cartel called the he Knights Templar, operating in the state of Michoacán, , formally Michoacán de Ocampo where the Knights operate, maiming beheading, and even burning people alive with blow torches. In one case, a farmer who could not pay the money that was being exhorted from him by the cartel, they murdered all of his workers many of their familiJosé Manuel Mireleses, even taking infants by the ankles and smashing them on rocks.

The people of the region had had enough and banded together, with the leadership of Dr. Manuel as their leader. They were able to go on the offensive and effectively wrest the power back by hunting down the cartel, even working against the corrupt federal police.

I would also like you to meet Tim “Nayler” Foley, You will not readily find information about him on the internet-perhaps because he dispels the myth of the out of control rednecks that comprise defense groups who are doing what the federal government will not-particularly the Obama administration, enforcing federal laws already on the books in regions that have been ceded to the drug cartels within the borders of the united states.

So you have two groups working for the same goals, namely making the drug cartels ineffective against all odds. Both groups are fighting against there own respective corrupt federal governments. In Mexico Dr Manuel’s group was finally co-opted by the federal government as well as the drug cartels. rendering them ineffective.

This brings us to the wall, characterized as a racist notion, when in fact opposing the wall could not be more racist. By not restricting the flow of illegal aliens, and drugs, particularly the drug cartels unfettered access through our porous borders, allowing the cartels unlimited profits, you are doing the Mexican people no favors. While the wall can not stop all of the flow, it would certainly cripple the cartels, and for those who claim a wall would be ineffective, i wonder how fiercely they would Make that assertion if we were to remove the walls of our prisons. or if they were to examine the effective use of the walls of Israel.

What is the conclusion? We have to seriously ask ourselves-who are the real racists? The answer is self evident.

Donald G Frazier

Copyright 2016