It’s not about your views on lifestyles, it’s about civil rights. As a Christian company would not be made to cater a bachelor party in a strip club, or a gay entertainer would certainly not be expected to entertain people at an anti gay rally, or Muslims who are documented refusing to bake cakes for gay weddings. Muslims who signed on for jobs that involve shipping alcohol then refusing to do it because of their religious faith win a lawsuit against the employer netting $240,000 because the employer fired them for not doing their job. Take that to the next step. Can the employer refuse to hire based on the Islamic faith that dictates they will not do their jobs?-Nope (Equal opportunity employer). Two Lesbians filed a lawsuit and netted over $200,000 for “emotional distress” because of a refusal from a Christian baker to make a cake. It might not be theĀ e majority but I’m starting to believe it is approved of and promoted by the gay community because they don’t speak out against this. They must be sharing a room with the Muslim community because you don’t even hear them speak out in any meaningful way against far worse. It seems to me that neither really wants what they already have or had or are purporting to seek. They must want intolerance equal to their’s. They must want us to believe they are an abomination. To what other end are they pursuing? They keep calling us haters and continue to do so, and being disappointed repetition does not create reality, they now are deliberately trying to make us hate them. They want to be hated. They live to be victims. That’s why they keep adding letters. L then G then B then T (.03% of the population) then add Q? Now they are adding the letter “I” to mean “intersex” what is that?? Sex across state lines? But it does not end there, yet another letter “A”. To usher in a whole new inclusive list of victims, two of the last three have 2 meanings each. Q=Queer (apparently a sub-genre of gay) and also “questioning”. And A stands for both “ally” (Ally of the cause) and “asexual.” Intersex I read means anatomically they are not specifically male or female which I guess dictates you have to drop your pants in a job interview or for a prospective landlord to ensure a good chance to be victimized and line your pockets with some cash. Asexual? So someones not going to hire you because you’re just not too hot on either men or women? I guess that means I’m a protected group. I don’t see why we don’t all just throw the entire alphabet in to the mix then we can all pick our favorite status to fret over. It’s time to unite as Christians, as conservatives, Libertarians and tolerant people. I have an atheist friend who has nothing but love for Christian people who love and respect Christians. We have the power and authority of Him. To the gay “community ” I say this-when you say you are a community, you are in the collective. When you identify as a collective commonality, then it throws you all into complicity by not speaking out against condemning and destroying people’s lives simply because they refuse to let you coerce them in to abandoning their religious beliefs . Sadder yet-there are some decent, kind loving gay people who hate the fact that they are being represented this way-they get the same tolerance we do. I’ve heard it said repeatedly that “coming out of the closet” as a conservative or a person not sharing the same views as most gay people was incalculably far worse than when they came out as gay. I sincerely hope this link will be shared by everyone. This action by the Washington Sate Attorney General is unconstitutional. And now the NAACP which is a useless organization has piled on. Please share and re-share, people are coming together and the steam is building. ” What then shall we say to these things? If God is for us, who can be against us?” Romans 8:31 NKJ
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