I’m not sure if it is just a lack of intellectual fire power in this country, indifference, or a short memory, but watching America’s “Johnny-come-lately” attitude towards Islamic terrorism is both infuriating and mystifying.
I often ask myself what the rest of the country should be asking itself-If I were a terrorist, what would I do to most effectively strike terror throughout the United States, while killing as many Americans as possible? Well, think back-none of this is new, it has just exponentially grown due to a general apathy in America, which has emboldened the Islamic terrorist mindset. I’m sure they can’t believe their good fortune. People don’t even remember the Marines killed in an attack by a group calling itself ‘Islamic Jihad’, later to be discovered as an arm of Hezbollah-with the chain of command leading directly to Iran-in Beirut, Lebanon, in 1983. 299 were killed including 241 US Military personnel. If that was in 1983, how many people do you think they have been able to infiltrate the US via our Southern border since then, and before? How can anyone entertain even for a moment the ludicrous idea that they are not and have not been taking advantage of this gift? I know I would. We know a couple of things, one, that they have to outdo 911. Two, we know they are very patient.
I have a theory that I hope is terribly wrong-I hope and pray that I am wrong.
If I were a terrorist and I wanted to launch the Super Bowl of all terrorist attacks, I would not put the top priority on a nuclear device ready to detonate in the US, there is a lot more than the general public knows that goes in to actually making an explosive nuclear device. That’s not to say they aren’t working on that as well, but how much easier would it be to pull off a TET Offensive style attack? For those not familiar with the TET offensive, during the Vietnam War in January of 1968, it was an attack in South Vietnam on the TET holiday, a holiday when people were celebrating and not on guard for any attacks within South Vietnam. The holiday had been previously observed as a cease fire. The style of attacks, along with overt offensives of the North Vietnamese regular military, was utilizing large number of Vietcong “sleepers” assimilated in to South Vietnam, that were activated on the prearranged date of the holiday. Those that were part of that “fifth column” had no need for excessive communication, etc, as they all knew the date. It was a military failure, but bloody enough that it effectively ended our efforts there with America no longer able to stomach the horrors of war. Walter Cronkite declared the war unwinnable. Effectively, it was a successful act of terrorism.
So, imagine how many operative sleeper cells must surely be embedded by now in the US. As recently as last February, the FBI Director James Comey, stated that ISIS had become a “chaotic spider web” in the United States, now branching out to all 50 states http://abc7chicago.com/news/isis-present-in-all-50-states-fbi-director-says/534732/ You don’t have to smuggle uranium or complex nuclear devices when you have such numerical potency-you only need easy to come by TNT, and who knows how many smuggled AK-47s, not to mention stolen domestic/military weapons. In fact, an armory in Massachusetts was broken in to the day after the November 14 attacks in France, the theft consisting of dozens of weapons. Along with the overstay on visas, and the wide open Southern border, there are an estimated 45 million stolen passports worldwide-not to mention all of the counterfeit documents that frequently show up among people attempting to infiltrate countries-most importantly, our own country.
So if I were a terrorist, I would have a predetermined date, like say Christmas Eve, both an antithetical religious holiday to a Muslim, as well as a time when Americans are crowding the malls and shopping centers in every town and city. Everyone activates at the same time, recreating the theater attack in France many times over. Not much need for a lot of communication to tip off the authorities, all the while the weaponry has more than likely built up over the decades, as well as personnel.
I would also pay off as many politicians as possible to play up the religious intolerance and race angle to keep the borders wide open, compromising officials as much as possible along the way.
Last but not least, I would do a test Trojan horse, as in Europe, and unify with sympathetic countries in the Middle East, to not only create a refugee situation, but through cooperation or coercion, make sure that no theocracy based countries accept refugees, forcing the West’s hand, playing on their generosity and their naivety.
Why do I think they would follow this path? My answer to that is why not? The most successful warfare assesses the enemy’s weaknesses, identifying where they are most vulnerable, and taking advantage of it. Americans aren’t too terribly bright I’m afraid, and unlike the suicide soldiers that do their bidding, the leadership and masterminds behind this Jihad, are. They are cunning and coldly logical, while Americans are busy shutting down the “Dukes of Hazzard,” and taking part in a (so far) “cold” race war, with phony claims of racism that play right in to the hands of the ethnicities primarily behind modern Islamic terrorism.
Am I wrong? I sincerely hope so. We may never know in our lifetime given their patience and focus in contrast to America’s preoccupation with the trivial until a bomb literally goes of in their back yard.
Donald G Frazier, Copyright 2015